Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Leadership Focus and Context

Personal Leadership: The Core of My Being

We find what we focus upon. The centre of my being starts with where I look, what I believe, and why I exist. Three core questions set the focal points and the context or main filters of my life. They also establish my magnetic field and attract the positive or negative people, circumstances, and events that I am experiencing in my life. Changing what's being attracted to me starts with changing my personal magnetic field.

Leading Others: Points of Origin

Highly focused leaders paint clear pictures of what success looks like for a project, the team, or the organization as a whole. Strong leaders "emotionalize" that picture and bring it alive for people. Powerful leaders impart a sense of trust and credibility by leading true to a core set of values or guiding principles. People respond to this leadership because they can clearly see the principles from which it flows.


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