Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dhirubhai Ambani's Quotes !

Dhirubhai Ambani's Quotes ! Who knows....reading these quotes might create another bunch of Ambanis for the future !
'Secret of my success was to have ambition and know minds of men'

* True entrepreneurship comes only from risk-taking.

* Pursue your goal, even in the face of difficulties. Convert difficulties into opportunities. Keep your morale high, in spite of setbacks. At the end you are bound to succeed.

* My advice to young entrepreneurs is not to accept defeat in the face of odds. Challenge negative forces with hope, self-confidence and conviction. I believe that ambition and initiative will ultimately triumph. The success of the young entrepreneur will be the key to India's transformation in the new millennium.

* Dhirubhai will go one day. But Reliance's employees and shareholders will keep it afloat. Reliance is now a concept in which the Ambanis have become irrelevant.

* I have trusted people and they have put their trust in me. I have encouraged youth, and they have never let me down. I have asked my people to take initiative and to take risks. It has paid me rich dividends. I insist on excellence. This helps us to be leaders. Reliance is built on some of these principles.

* The secret of Reliance's success was to have ambition and to know the minds of men.

* Growth has no limit at Reliance. I keep revising my vision. Only when you dream it you can do it.

'We have lost the habit of thinking big'

* The problem with Indians is that we have lost the habit of thinking big!

* We can prove to the world that India can do it. That Indians are not afraid of competition. That India is a nation of achievers.

* I dream India of becoming a great economic superpower.

* We must forge a new partnership for a great India. A strong and constructive partnership between industry, government and society.

* We must always go for the best. Do not compromise on quality. Reject if it is not the best -- not only the best in India, but globally.

* If India wants to be a great nation, we must have courage to trust. This is my sincere belief.

* All we have to do is to break the shackles that chain the energies of our people, and India's economy will record a quantum leap and move into a new, higher orbit of growth, competitiveness and productivity.

* I can never fully repay the debt I owe to Mumbai. To all of you. My past was shaped in Mumbai.

* For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win!

* I am deaf to the word 'no.'

'Ideas are no one's monopoly'

* I am 100 per cent pro-liberalisation. I do not think any industrialist is against it. But we should protect our industries, from unfair competition.

* There is no question about that (retirement). Business is my hobby. It is not a burden to me. In any case Reliance now can run without me.

* I give least importance to being Number one. I consider myself to be fortunate in this position and would like to contribute to nation building in some way.

* Does making money excite me? No, but I have to make money for my shareholders. What excites me is achievement, doing something difficult. In this room extraordinary things must happen.

* Think big, think fast, think ahead. Ideas are no one's monopoly.

* Our dreams have to be bigger. Our ambitions higher. Our commitment deeper. And our efforts greater. This is my dream for Reliance and for India.

* First and foremost, I owe my success and achievements to the affection, friendship and trust of millions of employees, customers, shareholders, and business associates, who have stood by me and been a major source of my strength all along.

* I believe that the success of Reliance cannot be attributed to the qualities and achievements of one individual, or even a group of individuals, but has to be viewed as a triumph of a process, and a spirit that binds the entire Reliance family together.

* I consider myself a pathfinder. I have been excavating the jungle and making the road for others to walk. I like to be the first in everything I do.

* I, as school kid, was a member of the Civil Guard, something like today's NCC. We had to salute our officers who went round in jeeps. So I thought one day I will also ride in a jeep and somebody else will salute me.

* My fulfillment lies in the satisfaction of every member of the Reliance family, comprising thousands of workers, managers, business associates and over five million shareholders. Being instrumental in creating wealth for over 5 million India families, and bringing prosperity and well being to their life is the best source of satisfaction and joy for me.

'You do not require an invitation to make profits'

* Give the youth a proper environment. Motivate them. Extend them the support they need. Each one of them has infinite source of energy. They will deliver.

* You do not require an invitation to make profits.

* If you work with determination and with perfection, success will follow.

* Between my past, the present and the future, there is one common factor: Relationship and Trust. This is the foundation of our growth.

* We bet on people.

* Meeting the deadlines is not good enough, beating the deadlines is my expectation.

* Don't give up, courage is my conviction.

* We cannot change our rulers, but we can change the way they rule us.

* Roll up your sleeves and help. You and your team share the same DNA.

* Be a safety net for your team.

* Always be the silent benefactor. Don't tom-tom about how you helped someone.

* Dream big, but dream with your eyes open.

* Leave the professional alone!

* Change your orbit, constantly!

* Money is not a product by itself, it is a by-product, so don't chase it.

Warren buffet's quotes

ON EARNINGS: Never depend on single income, invest to create a 2nd source

ON SPENDING: If you buy things you don't need, soon you'll have to sell things you need

ON SAVINGS: Don't save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after savings

ON TAKING RISKS: Never test the depth of a river with both your feet

ON EXPECTATIONS; Honesty Is a Very Expensive Gift
Don't expect it from Cheap people.

Happy reading

Neeraj Bhardwaj
MD, Ecstasy Consultants,
+91 9725479188, +91 8000506600

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Traits of a Good Leader

Compiled by the Santa Clara University and the Tom Peters Group:
  • Honest — Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
  • Competent — Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings.
  • Forward-looking — Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick priorities stemming from their basic values.
  • Inspiring — Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary.
  • Intelligent — Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
  • Fair-minded — Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others.
  • Broad-minded — Seek out diversity.
  • Courageous — Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress.
  • Straightforward — Use sound judgment to make a good decisions at the right time.
  • Imaginative — Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Situational Leadership

The Situational Leadership method from Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey holds that managers must use different leadership styles depending on the situation. The model allows you to analyze the needs of the situation you’re in, and then use the most appropriate leadership style. Depending on employees’ competences in their task areas and commitment to their tasks, your leadership style should vary from one person to another. You may even lead the same person one way sometimes, and another way at other times.

Blanchard and Hersey characterized leadership style in terms of the amount of direction and of support that the leader gives to his or her followers, and so created a simple matrix (figure).

Leadership Behavior of the Leader

  • S1 – Telling / Directing – High task focus, low relationship focus – leaders define the roles and tasks of the ‘follower’, and supervise them closely. Decisions are made by the leader and announced, so communication is largely one-way. For people who lack competence but are enthusiastic and committed. They need direction and supervision to get them started.
  • S2 – Selling / Coaching – High task focus, high relationship focus – leaders still define roles and tasks, but seeks ideas and suggestions from the follower. Decisions remain the leader’s prerogative, but communication is much more two-way. For people who have some competence but lack commitment. They need direction and supervision because they are still relatively inexperienced. They also need support and praise to build their self-esteem, and involvement in decision-making to restore their commitment.
  • S3 – Participating / Supporting – Low task focus, high relationship focus – leaders pass day-to-day decisions, such as task allocation and processes, to the follower. The leader facilitates and takes part in decisions, but control is with the follower. For people who have competence, but lack confidence or motivation. They do not need much direction because of their skills, but support is necessary to bolster their confidence and motivation.
  • S4 – Delegating – Low task focus, low relationship focus – leaders are still involved in decisions and problem-solving, but control is with the follower. The follower decides when and how the leader will be involved. For people who have both competence and commitment. They are able and willing to work on a project by themselves with little supervision or support.

Effective leaders are versatile in being able to move around the matrix according to the situation, so there is no style that is always right. However, we tend to have a preferred style, and in applying Situational Leadership you need to know which one that is for you.

Likewise, the competence and commitment of the follower can also be distinguished in 4 quadrants.

Development Level of the Follower

  • D4 – High Competence, High Commitment – Experienced at the job, and comfortable with their own ability to do it well. May even be more skilled than the leader.
  • D3 – High Competence, Variable Commitment – Experienced and capable, but may lack the confidence to go it alone, or the motivation to do it well / quickly.
  • D2 – Some Competence, Low Commitment – May have some relevant skills, but won’t be able to do the job without help. The task or the situation may be new to them.
  • D1 – Low Competence, High Commitment – Generally lacking the specific skills required for the job in hand, but has the confidence and / or motivation to tackle it.

Similar to the leadership styles, the development levels are also situational. A person could be skilled, confident and motivated for one part of his his job, but could be less competent for another part of the job.

Blanchard and Hersey said that the Leadership Style (S1 – S4) of the leader must correspond to the Development level (D1 – D4) of the follower – and it’s the leader who adapts. By adopting the right style to suit the follower’s development level, work gets done, relationships are built up, and most importantly, the follower’s development level will rise to D4, to everyone’s benefit.

Steps in Situational Leadership. Process

  1. Make an overview per employee of his/her tasks
  2. Assess the employee on each task (D1…D4)
  3. Decide on the leadership (management) style per task (S1…S4)
  4. Discuss the situation with the employee
  5. Make a joint plan
  6. Follow-up, check and correct

Strengths of the Situational Leadership model. Benefits

  • Easy to understand
  • Easy to use

Limitations of the Situational Leadership model. Disadvantages

  • Model fails to distinguish between leadership and management. What is called leadership style is really management style.
  • Leadership is not primarily about making decisions anyway – it is about inspiring people to change direction.
  • Leaders may indeed vary the way they inspire people to change. But this is when they have already decided on the need to change. Hence leadership style does not reduce to decision making style.
  • Focuses too exclusively on what the person in charge does.
  • Of course both leaders and managers have to behave differently in different situations. But that is just a trivial fact of life, rather than anything profound in terms of our basic understanding of what it means to lead or manage.

Assumptions of Situational Leadership. Conditions

  • Leaders should adapt their style to follower ‘maturity’, based on how ready and willing the follower is to perform required tasks (that is, their competence and motivation).
  • There are four leadership styles that match the four combinations of high/low readiness and willingness.
  • The four styles suggest that leaders should put greater or less focus on the task in question and/or the relationship between the leader and the follower.
  • Presumes that leadership is about how the boss makes decisions.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Responsibility for Choices

Personal Leadership: If It's to Be, It's Up to Me

We may not choose to be victimized, but we choose whether or not to be a victim. Leaders take responsibility for their actions in response to circumstances for which he or she is not responsible

. Choice, more than chance, determines our circum

stance. I choose whether to see the world through optimistic or pessimistic glasses. Either choice becomes my re


Leading Others: From Victim to Victor

When faced with difficult changes or problems, we have three choices. We can be a Survivor and just hang in there waiting to see what happens. Or we can choose to be a Victim, using the situation as one more example of how crap like this is always happening to us. The third choice – the leadership choice – is to be a Navigator. Leaders take initiative and navigate their team through doing what needs to be done rather then waiting for "them" to do something.

The Leadership Focus and Context

Personal Leadership: The Core of My Being

We find what we focus upon. The centre of my being starts with where I look, what I believe, and why I exist. Three core questions set the focal points and the context or main filters of my life. They also establish my magnetic field and attract the positive or negative people, circumstances, and events that I am experiencing in my life. Changing what's being attracted to me starts with changing my personal magnetic field.

Leading Others: Points of Origin

Highly focused leaders paint clear pictures of what success looks like for a project, the team, or the organization as a whole. Strong leaders "emotionalize" that picture and bring it alive for people. Powerful leaders impart a sense of trust and credibility by leading true to a core set of values or guiding principles. People respond to this leadership because they can clearly see the principles from which it flows.


Leadership Excellence Workshop

Defining Leadership Objectively

The direct approach is oriented toward a specific leadership behavior which is clearly and objectively defined. The elements of leadership behavior are isolated as specific learnings which are systematically programmed into a long-term developmental process.

The direct approach ensures that appropriate and sufficient time is given the development of leadership skills, to bring about the desired change in behavior and to achieve leadership competence.

The SECOND concept is that, rather than being some nebulous characteristic which one has to be born with, leadership can be defined as a set of competencies which can be learned. Some eighty aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes have been taken into account in our research which have been clustered into competencies. To sum it up. an understanding of the concepts described here has helped us to bring into focus that the acquisition of leadership competencies should occur by plan and design, rather than by accident. Although leaders may emerge - as they do today - as by-products of group processes, this is neither an economical nor an effective way of developing leadership. Based on the concepts described above, in our experimental program:

Specific competencies of leadership--relevant to Scouting--have been identified...

Situational leadership workshop, with Videocon leadership team, Maharastra Pune.


Click the link for video.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Training Profile: Ecstasy Consultants

Profile: Ecstasy Consultants

Ecstasy is Group of Consultants and Trainers, offering its services to several corporate on OD and HR. Applying training processes like competency mapping, TNA, CVS, Training calendar, Content development, certification and validation of training faculty and content, rolling out training programs, training effectiveness.

Ecstasy has hands on experience in instruction design, training delivery, Leadership Development, Talent Development, Knowledge Management, Employee Engagement., Organization Development etc.

Ecstasy has highly experienced and qualified trainers on its board. The talent pool comes from large & medium organizations including Fortune 500 companies.

Training Experience to following industries:

· Tele communications


· Retail

· Chemicals


· University/Institutions

· Engineering

· Project Management

· Hospitality

· Pharma

· Automobile

· Premier B-Schools

Ecstasy has trained and coached thousands of people from all hierarchies, such as CEOs, Directors, VP, G.M. and Top, middle & junior managers and front line employees.

Ecstasy has devised new concept on Competency Assessment Centre and score card for each employee.

Ecstasy also has pool of visiting faculties to for business schools and technical institutions and is associated with following institutions:

Ø Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Gandhinagar.

Ø Nirma University

Ø DDU, Nadiad

Ø LD Engineering College

Ø IIPM, Ahmedabad

Ø AMA, Ahmedabad

Training expertise in:

· Sales

· Customer care & Customer Service

· Situational Leadership

· Leadership Skills

· Team Building

· Communication

· Attitude Awareness

· Interpersonal Relationship

· Stress Management

· Anger Management

· Motivation

· Time Management

· Managerial Effectiveness

· People Management

· Performance Management

· Negotiation Skills

· Assessment & Development centre

· Competency Mapping

· Train The Trainer (TTT)

· Grooming skills

· Business etiquettes

· Interview skills

· Goal Setting

· Lean Manufacturing

· Six Sigma

· Kaizen

· 5 S

· 7 Habits of highly effective people

Ecstasy is comfortable in imparting training, organizing workshops using various training methodologies like PPT, Case studies, Role plays, Management games, Experiential Learning, Participant’s presentations etc.


Consultant, Trainer & Coach

+91 9725479188
