Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Power of Leadership

The Power of Leadership 
 Today's Vision  
Tomorrow's Reality

The Power Game 

  • Getting ahead without stepping on toes
  • Gaining respect, not position
  • Real and perceived power - Overt and Covert Power

Using Power to Gain Credibility 

  • Pass information "up" in written form
  • Keep reports and progress continually reported to anyone and everyone needing the information]
  • Try to have a solution to the problem on your agenda

Give up 

  • The illusion that there is "only one right answer"
  • Win-lose mentality
  • Distrust of political process (learn how it works and effect change through it)



  • A trust in the political process
  • An awareness of what is best for the organization or the majority
  • The understanding that value judgments can't be made rationally
  • The ability to give people options
  • An appreciation for people who defend the system
  • An open mind 
  • The ability to recognize what I can influence and those I cannot 
  • The realization that I can like and disagree with a person at the same time 
  • The talent for attacking the problem, not the individual


    Personal power is not charisma, but the ability to create respect and admiration for the things you say, the things you do and the goals you want to achieve.


Understanding the diversity of power 

Learn how to use power to

influence others today to

create strong leaders for



1. Sometimes I have to chew people out – even if they don't deserve it – just to show who is boss. 

2. It gives me a boost when I get others to do small favors for me. 

3. An executive in my position should never have to open mail, type letters, or answer the phone. 

4. I wouldn't accept a position with less prestige than my own even if I like everything else about the job. 

5. When someone at work upstages me, I get depressed or furious. 

6. I'll consider myself a failure if I'm never recognized as on of the leaders in my field. 

7. I secretly like to keep people waiting so they must conform to my schedule. 


8. I never let my guard down in front of others – it implies a lack of control. 

9. It irritates me when a family vacation starts without a detailed itinerary. 

10. I expect others to live up to my personal standards. 

11. When I entertain, it's important to have everything go as planned. 

12. Unexpected interruptions often spoil the productivity of my day and the momentum I've built up. 

13. When I give a worker directions for a project, I don't expect him or her to ask permission to try a different approach. 

14. I would rather manage a staff of intelligent, methodical workers, than a group of brilliant, highly creative ones. 


  • Questions 1-7 relate strictly to how appropriately you use power. If your total score for them is 4 or below, you're probably content with your current status and are not power-hungry. Ask: Do I pay enough attention to widening my power base.
  • If your total score is between 5 and 8, you make a premeditated effort now and then to display your power or acquire more authority. This is probably not unhealthy – you are an executive who values power and uses it as a primary tool of interfacing with others.


  • People who score above 9 may be suffering from an overactive power drive. How does a compulsion for power affect a person's thoughts and behavior? First, power – compulsive people get a charge out of pulling rank in public. Second, they spend too much time thinking of ways to manipulate others. Together, these can undermine anyone's image and credibility.
  • Questions 8 – 14 relate to your desire for control and order. Executives who thrive on power often insist on having everything their own way. Such methodical managers regulate every detail of their lives as well as those of co-workers. Afraid of tarnishing their image of self-control, they routinely conceal emotions and inner thoughts.


  • A score of 4 or below for these statements suggests that you have few hang-ups in this area. If you score higher, however, chances are that you're somewhat compulsive about order and control. The higher you score, the less likely you are to express yourself spontaneously. This rigidity is probably having a negative affect on your relationships with others.
  • Observation: Keep in mind that his quiz is meant as a superficial indicator of how the need for power may be controlling you. A high score in both sections; however, should alert you to a problem. It's time for some self-observation. Seeing yourself in action will more than likely make you cancel plans for your next power trip.



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